Your pregnancy yoga DVD helps you evolve from your mother's daughter to your child's mother.
Of course, it prepares your body for childbirth, but your pregnancy yoga DVD also prepares you to meet new motherhood's challenges. Given its balance of physical and psychological disciplines, your practice of yoga helps you think beyond yourself, promoting your growth into your new and unaccustomed role as caretaker, instructor, pathfinder, and provider. Your private, quiet time in yoga practice allows you to listen and feel as your child quickens; you will sense her responding to your voice and other stimuli from the outside world. Your pregnancy yoga DVD teaches you not only to control and rise above the pain of childbirth but also to respond to motherhood's demands.
Pregnancy yoga DVD reinforces natural childbirth classes.
Your pregnancy yoga DVD complements your natural childbirth classes. Reinforcing breathing techniques you learn in class and developing your ability to focus outside yourself, your yoga practice helps you master and rise above your pain. Your body naturally tenses-up in response to pain; all your muscles flex as you "tough it out." Lamaze class and your yoga practice teach you to overcome instinct, relaxing into, through, and beyond each contraction, flexing only your vaginal muscles so that you conserve energy and minimize pain. You probably use the expression "go to your happy place." Natural childbirth classes and yoga practice show you how to find your psychological and spiritual sanctuary; they teach the express route to "your happy place."
Pregnancy yoga DVD develops the bond between you and your baby.
Your pregnancy yoga DVD encourages you to bond with your baby. By the beginning of your third trimester, you feel your baby kicking, and you often can tell when she is awake. Instead of just a foreign lump in your belly, you now feel life developing in your womb. Your yoga practice affords special opportunity to develop the special bond between you and your child. When you talk to her, she learns the comfort and reassurance in your voice. When you listen carefully and attend to her movements, she begins introducing herself to you. Meditating and visualizing as you work your way through your poses, imagine all you wish and want for your child and for your still-evolving self.
Your pregnancy yoga DVD also helps you cultivate the special selfishness every good mother must indulge. It gives you precious, delectable, blissful, delicious "me-time." As your due date approaches, you begin asking, "Who will care for the caretaker." Your yoga practice teaches you the ideal answer: you, the universe, and the divine power guiding the universe's constant unfolding will collaborate to care for you, providing all you abundance. Finding sanctuary and "moratorium"-a perfect time-out-in your yoga, take time to reinforce your love for you.
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